What is love?

What is love? Not the romantic, lustful kind most people think of when they hear love, or even the motherly, parental kind of love. I’m talking about universal love, for humanity and all of earths creatures. Is that even possible? Can a love like that really exist? I mean, let’s face it, humans aren’t always the nicest bunch. Not to mention that we are all seemingly SO different.

In your minds eye I want you to imagine a row of people, and in this row of people I want you to place all the different kinds/types of people you can think of.. Let’s say that from left to right you put a thug, a business woman or man, a nerd, a teacher, tribal person, trophy wife, homeless man, etc. And keep in mind that all of these people are comprised of all the races that exist. Now that’s a pretty lively bunch of people don’t you think? If you asked someone if they thought that these people were all the same, do you think that they would say yes? Probably not. But what if we stripped these people of their clothing, tattoos, accessories, skin color and beliefs? Now something truly magical happens. All of these people who seemed so different suddenly become the same. Clearly we can see our core, true nature, and who we really are. We are simply a creature who is conscious – a conscious being who only wants to love and be loved.

This realization of self and others, that we are NOT our things, our beliefs, or even our experiences, is profound. Yet, as profound as it is, it can be a really hard concept to accept and put into action. I know that I continue to have a tough time with it, but it certainly gets easier with practice. Whenever I feel prickly towards someone, I remember that deep down beyond the walls they’ve built up to protect themselves from being hurt, they are the exact same as myself. Just a conscious being who wants to love and be loved. Unfortunately, as a society, we have yet to figure out how to love after being damaged.. Everyone experiences that hurt in different ways… But maybe if we realize that we are born with our true nature of love, it will become easier to move past the pain and become fully self-realized.

I ask of you today, and all days, to remember that even though we may appear to be different on the outside, we are really all the same on the inside. Let us heal as a community by showing those who have been hurt, just as you have, all the love you can muster. In the face of challenges and pain, move forth with understanding and love. We are one, and we are here to love.

BE love my friends.
Be love.